Jacob Jordaens sodi med velike flamske umetnike baročnega časa. Učil se je pri Rubensovem učitelju, nato deloval v Rubensovi slikarski delavnici, po mojstrovi smrti leta 1640 pa je postal glavna umetniška osebnost v Antwerpnu. Nikoli ni potoval v Italijo, vplivi slikarja Caravaggia so ga dosegli posredno, s Caravaggievimi severnimi posnemovalci. Slog Parisove sodbe je značilen za zrelo dobo Jordaensove ustvarjalnosti, vendar delo težko z zanesljivostjo pripišemo mojstru samemu, čeprav vemo, da je Jordaens večkrat naslikal motiv Parisove sodbe.
Upodobljeni prizor je vzet iz grške mitologije. Pastir Paris, ki mu stoji ob strani Hermes, izroča Afroditi kot največji lepotici zlato jabolko za nagrado. Afrodito spremlja mali Eros. Drugi dve boginji v lepotni tekmi sta Hera, naslikana s pavom, in Atena z bojno opravo ob nogah. Usodna grška zgodba je bila primeren izgovor, da se slikar posveti slikanju akta. Tri zapeljive grške boginje se z vseh strani postavljajo na ogled božjim očem in pogledom smrtnikov in hkrati pričajo o slikarjevem obvladovanju anatomije in čutnega načina slikanja.
Jacob Jordaens is one of the great Flemish artists of the Baroque era. He was a pupil of Rubens’ teacher, went on to work in Rubens’ workshop and after the master’s death in 1640, became the leading art figure in Antwerp. He never visited Italy and the Caravaggesque elements in his images stem from Caravaggio’s northern imitators. The style of the painting is characteristic of Jordaens’ mature period, yet it cannot be attributed to the master with certainty, although we do know that Jordaens painted The Judgement of Paris several times.
The scene is taken from Greek mythology. The shepherd Paris, with Hermes at his side, is handing Aphrodite an apple as the prize in a beauty contest. Aphrodite is accompanied by a young Eros. The other two goddesses in the competition are Hera with a peacock and Athena with the instruments of war at her feet. The fateful Greek story was an appropriate excuse for the painter to study the nude. Three seductive Greek goddesses are on view from all sides for the immortal and mortal eyes to examine and testify to the painter’s mastery of anatomy and sensual style of painting.