According to the old literature Seitz was born in 1810 in Nuremberg, but Heinz Schöny found that he was born in Vienna, where he died in 1870. He was a painter of floral still lifes, still lifes with fruit, and still lifes with fruit and birds. He painted on wood and on canvas. He was probably a student at the Vienna Academy. He showed his work at the Academy exhibitions in 1830 and 1842.
Lit.: Reallexikon zur deutschen Kustgeschichte, Editor Otto Schmitt, Vol. II, Stuttgart-Waldsee 1948, p. 934; Heinrich Fuchs: Die österreichischen Maler des 19. Jahrhunderts, pp. 139 and K 48; Heinz Schöny, A Letter to Ksenija Rozman, dat. Dunaj, 18. 3. 1989.