Born 1901 in Budapest, died 1970 in Trieste. He was a scion of an old patrician family in Rijeka. After graduating from the classical gymnasium in Rijeka in 1923 he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, where he completed the course in four years to become an officially qualified teacher of drawing. He returned to Rijeka and in 1928 he was among the founders of the Group of Modern Painters in Rijeka (De Gauss, Wnoucsek, Arnold, Antoniazzo, Raicich), which welcomed the art of the European avant-garde. He produced drawings, water-colours, oil paintings, and also a design for a mosaic. From 1926 onwards he showed his work at exhibitions in Italy and abroad and won three prizes. From 1945 until his death he lived in Trieste. His works are to be found in the Civico Museo Revoltella in Trieste, the Moderna galerija in Rijeka, a mosaic and a small votive painting are in the church at Kozala in Croatia.
Lit.: Fulvio Monai, Passato e Presente del collezionismo isontino, Studi Goriziani, XXXI, gennaio-giugno 1962, p. 135; Onorare con una mostra l'opera di Lao de Gauss, Il Piccolo, 3. 12. 1970; Anna Antoniazzo Bocchina, Arte e artisti figurativi a Fiume dal 1900 al 1945, Fiume: Rivista di studi fiumani, II, Nr. 1, Padova, May 1982, pp. 36, 38-40, 42-46, figg. 1 and 11.