Only a small
amount of comic books and in general “non-native cultural products” were able
to get under the skin of formerly unified Southern Slavs and stay there to this
day despite numerous political changes. One of them is definitely Alan Ford. It
has captivated the readers with dark comedy, social satire, the irony and its
surrealism. This comic book is not politically correct – nobody is on its safe
side. The most interesting thing about it must be the discussed political and
social events that make it almost a prophet. In fact, we now exist in a
comic-like world, which we used to make fun of.
Its creators are
the Italians Luciano Secchi – Bunker and Roberto Raviola – Magnus who worked
together from 1969 to 1975. This exhibition hence comprises the comic book
pages from their joint creative era. A Yugoslavian translation of the comic by
Nenad Brixy came to life already in 1970 and Branko Gradišnik translated it to
Slovene only in 1993. Alan Ford is not just a comic book, it is an institution.
Its influence in former common country of Yugoslavia is immense.
162 original
comic book pages are thus on view. Up until now, the biggest exhibition with 30
original pages took place in 2017 in Rome. With this currently “world’s biggest
exhibition” we wish to attest the deep-rootedness of Alan Ford in our cultural
region and to properly honour, with an accompanying catalogue (texts in
Slovenian, Italian and Croatian), the 50th anniversary of our faithful

Exhibition opening, video
Author of the exhibition and project leader
Rok Glavan
Professional associates
Andrej Smrekar, Samo Pureber
Graphic design
Ranko Novak
Texts by
Lazar Džamić, Rok Glavan
Katarina Korenak, Lazar Džamić
Coordination of the exhibition
Nataša Braunsberger, Andrej Smrekar
Complementary programming
Nataša Braunsberger
© Copyright 2019 by Max Bunker. Used by permission.
23 May – 13 October
National Gallery of Slovenia
Narodni dom Gallery
Cankarjeva 20
1000 Ljubljana