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Exhibitions and Projects
Exhibition | 14 Sep. 2024 ̶ 22 Oct. 2024

Art connects us all

Exhibition of the participants of the National Gallery’s art courses 2023/2024

The National Gallery's works of art are an abundant source of creative inspiration for the visitors to the various creative courses we have been preparing for a number of years.

Beginners course in intaglio printmaking techniques

Mentor: Alja Košar
The participants of the beginners courses were introduced to the types and techniques of printmaking. They learned about the entire printmaking process – from preparation of the matrix to the birth of a print. They dealt in more detail with the drypoint and etching printmaking techniques.

Advanced courses in intaglio printmaking techniques

Mentor: Admir Ganić 
In the advanced courses, the participants focused on combining the techniques and multi-layered working of the matrix as well as creating more artistically demanding prints. In addition to the classical intaglio techniques, on the occasion of the temporary exhibition of Marjan Pogačnik's prints, the course participants also tried their hand at a combined technique of colour etching and relief printing – blind embossing.

Beginners and advanced drawing courses

Mentor: Tina Konec
Using plaster models of geometric solids, beginners learnt the basics of drawing, linear perspective, shading and sighting. In the advanced courses, they drew a portrait and a figure step by step and finished the course with the assignment of drawing a figure from a model or a portrait from a photographic template.

Oil painting course and calligraphy drawing course

Mentor: Nik Anikis Skušek
Participants learnt about the proportions of the human body and explored calligraphic methods of drawing from plaster casts and from a live model. The painting course was designed primarily for beginners, who painted a semi-nude male form from a live model, learning the basics of oil painting and trying their hand at painting different dynamic poses.

Watercolour painting course

Mentor: Miha Pirnat ml.
Course participants learnt about the technology and creative possibilities of watercolour technique. They worked outdoors in the nearby Tivoli Park, which offers views of the beautiful nature.

Clay sculpting course

Mentor: Tamara Bregar
Course participants got to know the entire work process from the initial sculptural sketches in clay, preparation of the armature and mastering the clay shaping techniques to the production of the final work. In sculpting the portrait, they learned the basics of anatomical sketch and the study of proportions from a live model.

Exhibition coordinator: Tjaša Debeljak Duranović
Preparation of works for exhibition: Tina Buh

4 September – 6 October 2024
The National Gallery of Slovenia
Prešernova 24
1000 Ljubljana