The Czech sculptor Stanislav
Sucharda (1866–1916) was one of the leading figures of Mánes, one of the main
Czech art societies. His most famous work is the Art Nouveau monument to František Palacký (1887) in Prague. The
sculptor worked closely with the Czech architect Jan Kotěra (1871–1923), a
fellow Viennese and friend of the Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik.
A portrait of adorable architect's
daughter Věra Kotěrová from the beginning of the 20th century highlights the intense
bond between Slovenians and the Czechs and reveals the links with architect
Plečnik. The recently-acquired work by Sucharda, one of the influential Czech
sculptors from the turn of the 20th century, is the master’s first piece in the
National Gallery’s sculpture collection.
6 November – 3 December 2025
National Gallery of Slovenia
Prešernova 24
1000 Ljubljana