A playful multi-sensory search for and exploration of Gal's favourite works of art with the Dwarf's green chest that holds precious and unusual objects.
– 60 minutes
– €4
Exploration tour:
The green wooden chest from Gal's magical world leads us through different motifs of the works of art in the gallery. The children are active participants, and they discover and experience the works through different sounds, smells, materials and movements. Through Gal's bright ideas and interactive methods the museum guides present to children the basic motifs of paintings, explain and complement the depicted stories and acquaint them with the gallery space.
After the tour the children are encouraged to draw their favourite painting at home or in school and to send their creations to Gal the Dwarf (National Gallery of Slovenia – for Gal, Puharjeva 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia). Gal is always very happy to receive children's drawings and paintings. He thanks the children with a letter and on occasion he helps to prepare an exhibition of their works.
Resources for teachers:
We recommend that before the visit to the gallery teachers read Gal's book with children and motivate them for the experience.
English resources:
– Svetlana Makarovič, Kostja Gatnik: Gal in the gallery, National Gallery of Slovenia 2006.
Slovene resources:
– Lidija Tavčar, Matjaž Schmidt: Galerija v vrtcu, v šoli in doma, Ljubljana, Narodna galerija 1995,
– Lidija Tavčar, Matjaž Schmidt: Vsaka slika ima svojo zgodbo, Ljubljana, Narodna galerija 2003,
– Lidija Tavčar: Otroci, mladostniki in odrasli v galeriji. Priročnik za kustose pedagoge, učitelje, vzgojitelje in starše, Ljubljana, Narodna galerija 2001.